Thursday, August 27, 2009

Puppy Love

I’m sorry I have been an absent blogger lately, but I’m back! This blog has nothing to do with flowers, but something else that is very important to me.

As I was finishing up my workout tonight, sweating and listing to a little bit of Ray, my little Lucy couldn’t resist. She just had to interrupt, climb up onto my chest (I was laying on the ground doing abs), and she start licking. At that point, I couldn’t resist! I stopped my workout , put my hands around her little face, pulled back her ears, and kissed her little mouth. At that moment I thought to myself…….. I could not imagine my life without Lucy. This little creature melts my heart everyday! Who would have thought a 10 pound rat terrier could change my life in so many ways. I wish everyone felt this way about their animals, but unfortunately that’s just not the case.

In the past year, I have been exposed to more animal abuse and neglect than I care to think about. Just the other day on the way to my wholesaler, I passed a truck on the side of the road. The truck was surrounded by a group of not so nice looking guys (I’m being kind) and inside were about 9 pitbull puppies just piled on top of one another. I couldn’t help but think about what kind of a life those poor puppies would have. Let’s be honest, those puppies were not bread to be loved, and cuddled, and spoiled. They were bread to fight and kill. The ones that did not sell would probably be drowned or beaten to death….. those are probably the lucky ones. It’s so sad, but it’s also the truth. I was so tempted to buy every last one of those little puppies and find loving homes for them. I promised myself I would buy and save two of them, but unfortunately, the not so nice me did not return the next day, or the next, or even the next. I think about those puppies everyday and the thousands of other animals that are abused, neglected, or left homeless.

I’m not going to tell anymore sad stories, and believe me when I say I have several. I just want to remind everyone to love on their animals tonight. I would also like to encourage everyone to support their local shelters and animal leagues. If anyone is interested in making a donation to a great shelter in Jackson who is in serious need, please go to Cara rescues and houses hundreds of abused, unwanted and stray animals. The best part about CARA is they treat each and every one of their animals as if they are part of their family. Even if the animals are unadoptable they will have a forever home at CARA.

Now, in the words of Dr. Laura Schlessinger……. Go do the right thing!

On another note, the market had the most beautiful green anthurium today. They were like the size of my head!! I wish I took a picture!

That’s it for now. Thanks for tuning in!

Tulip loves you


Fran said...

Love love love my dogs too! But growing up with a veterinarian for a grandfather and working in the clinic with him, I was exposed to a lot of abuse too.

Next time you see something like that, call CARA at 601-922-7575 and/or the MS Animal Rescue League at 601-969-1631. It's not a no-kill shelter like CARA, but I do know and have seen in action the heroes who personally perform raids and rescue animals: I have called in a bunch of pit bull rings myself.

If you see those guys with the puppies again, write down their license plate and call CARA, MARL, AND the Jackson Police Department: they all want to know about it.

TULIP said...

Thanks so much for the advise! I really did not know what to do. I will see them again, or someone else. They are always off of 80 West.

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